After the final judging process, conducted between 23rd and 25th of November, out of the 78 evaluated works (61 works submitted in the categories 1-15 and 17 works submitted in the 16th category - ARCHITECTURAL TEXT) the following 23 stood out (3 nominees, 7 mentions and 13 awards):
AMBIENT / Ambijent
- nominee: TAO03 - Alexandru Buftea (NOI), work title: Something Yellow...something Blue - a penthouse for two
- nominee: AET10 - Raoul Chiricheș, work title: Aethernativ
- mention: PSO03 - Attila Wenczel (Parasite Studio), work title: Dental Praxis
- premiu: VAO16 - Vitamin Architects: Paul Buchert, Rudolf Gräf, Lavinia Popa, work title: Redesigning of an old heating facility
SINGLE FAMILY HOUSING / Jednoporodične kuće
- nominee: UTR87 - Tudose Mihai Mircea, work title: UT 87
- award: HOA16 - Vlad Gaivoronschi (Andreescu & Gaivoronschi), work title: Home of art
COLLECTIVE HOUSING / Kolektivne stambene zgrade
- awards are not granted in this category
- award: CBC16 - Vlad Gaivoronschi (Andreescu & Gaivoronschi), work title: City Business Centre - final ensemble (C-D-E buildings and public space)
- award: LLS38 - Silvestru Mihai, Paută-Colibășanu Raluca (Arhigest), work title: Rammed Earth House
- award: BET07 - Adina Szitar (Atelier21), work title: Berăria 700
- mention: PRO19 - Marija Milin Krunić ("Pro-ing" doo), work title: City Archives of Novi Sad
- mention: DCX16 - Drăgan Dragomir (D-ConteXt Studio), work title: 3C/Community Center Calacea
- no works were submitted in this category
HERITAGE / Kulturno nasleđe
- award: CUO07 - Anca Timofticiuc (MENSINGTIMOFTICIUC, TAG ARCHITECTURE), work title: Cazarma U
- awards are not granted in this category
- award: ADM23 - Diana Giurea, Zoran Popovici (edukube), work title: Hidden Nest
INITIATIVES FOR ARCHITECTURE / Incijative za kvalitetnu arhitekturu
- mention: RAC79 - Rudolf Gräf, work title: Consulting Services for the “Rehabilitation of Historic City Quarters in Timișoara, România” LOT 2: Architect and Engineering Expert Services
- award: HBR76 - Brîndușa Raluca Havași, work title: De-a arhitectura in my school: My Dream Classroom!
award: FLI04 - Liliana Popa, work title: WHAT ABOUT YOU?
- awards are not granted in this category
GRADUATION PROJECTS / Diplomski radovi
- mention: AOX90 - Onci Olimpia, work title: Microbrewery in forgotten ruins
- award: LLL11 - Lucian Tofan, work title: Ecological research center in the Danube Delta
ARCHITECTURAL VISIONS / Arhitektonske vizije
- award: BST31 - Branko Stanojević, Milena Strahinović, work title: Border
- award: REP03 - Petrovicz Anna, Zsuzsanna Peter, work title: Repercussion - Visions about Our Future
ARCHITECTURAL TEXT / Arhitektonske vizije
- mention: BAT92 - Cristian Blidariu, work title: DRIVE IN CITY (MEETING PEOPLE IS EASY)
- mention: STH96 - Stanciu Florian, work title: I'M LOOKING AT THE CITY (THE SECOND GAZE)
- premiu: MIB99 - Cseh András, work title: Many is beautiful
For more details about the judging process which was the basis of these results, please consult the juries reports:
JURY REPORT | Goran Vojvodić, Balázs Marián, Adrian Untaru
JURY REPORT | Árpád Szabó, Darko Polic, Klaus Birthler
JURY REPORT | Ivan Kucina, Zsolt Vasáros, Ștefan Ghenciulescu
Also, we invite you to consult all the 78 works submitted in the competition in the second stage: the 61 works form the categories 1-15 and the 17 essays from the category 16. ARCHITECTURAL TEXT.
Each mention granted has the amount of 400 euros*.
Each award granted has the amount of 1000 euros*.
The 3 nominated works will not receive prizes in money.
* in accordance with the competition brief: All granted amounts are gross and will be taxed according to the Fiscal Code in force.